The Perfect Ending - Reisverslag uit Mexico-stad, Mexico van Emilie Block - The Perfect Ending - Reisverslag uit Mexico-stad, Mexico van Emilie Block -

The Perfect Ending

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Emilie

27 Januari 2014 | Mexico, Mexico-stad

I'm home. It's strange to be home, different. Everything is the same but it doesn't feel that way. Maybe that will change.. We'll see.

After San Diego Jeroen, Stefan and I went to Vegas. Vegas is called a city but it really isn't. To have fun in Vegas you should look at it as if it were a funpark for grownups. It exists of hotels with clubs and casino's & designer stores only. Other than that there's really not much to do. After having been 4 days in Vegas, I would not have mind going home again, I had seen enough of America and I was exhausted.


We went to Mexico city, which is amazing! Mexico city is a great green city and has terrible neighbourhoods that I didn't go to because I wanted to get home alive, eventually. I ate the best Churro's of my life there (yes I know, Spanish, not Mexican) and I tried real taco's, empenadas, and other Mexican food. Jeroen's Mexican friend Guillermo also showed us some local food; Pizza, Sushi, Pasta.. When we met up with Jeroen's other old colleagues, they were shocked that we got to eat that in Mexico. Can't blame them!

Besides Mexico City, we made a trip to Puebla and Cholula, two cities near Mexico City. We had shots for € 0,60, beers for € 1,- and finally some culture. In Cholula we went to a pyramid that Mexicans used to made human sacrifices on, until the Spanish Christians came and found this barbaric. The Spanish covered the pyramid with earth and built a church on top of it. Guillermo told us the pyramid was built by the Mayas and that the passages within were so small because the Mayas used to be so small. All of this turned out to be false.

We also went to a town called San Luis Potosi. We went there for a weekend and the first night we got up a 2 AM in the morning to watch 2 million birds get up in circles from a hundreds meter deep hole at sunrise. We went canoeing on a beautiful blue river to a waterfall and swam back. We went swimming in a beautiful cave and went jumping off cliffs near waterfalls, we went scubadiving in warm water and we relaxed. Finally we had that holiday feeling, finally, at the very end.

Traveling is no vacation, taveling is exhausting. But it is also fun, you get to know loads of people, you get to see the world, you get to experience different cultures, you get to compare different countries and different cultures with your own, you get to know different world views, get to taste different foods, get to speak a different language, get to broaden your horizon, get to create new interests, aspirations, and motivation, get to know yourself, get to know, like & love somebody you take home after the trip. Or at least I was lucky enough to do so. I'm grateful to have had the time, money and courage to go on this trip, and I will never, ever, EVER forget it.

For now, it's good to be home with my friends & family and I will enjoy every second of it.. until I leave again.

  • 27 Januari 2014 - 23:02


    Soy muy contento que tu vuelves. Of is dat nog te hoog gegrepen? Lekker churros eten in Mexico, dat had je nog niet verteld! Wat een ontzettend vet verhaal heb je! Ben zo benieuwd naar de foto's! Snel die slideshow doen! En ben heeeeeel blij dat je weer thuis bent! Na mec ga ik reizen eerst, dan pas mag jij weer ja! Beetje weg zijn de hele tijd pff...

    Loveyoulongtime xxxxx

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